Buongiorno! I'm your teacher, Alberto Arrighini!
I lead an ever-growing community where I help people all over the world reaching fluency in Italian.
As a Youtuber, e-course instructor and passionate guy I've helped millions of students improve their Italian. I’ve also been mentioned on sites like Catracalivre, BliuBliu, FrancaisAuthentique.
As a polyglot I can easily speak 6-7 languages and I LOVE THEM!
But things weren’t always so sweet. Back when I started learning languages, I was feeling completely STUCK, lost, uncreative, and bored out of my mind. What started as a curiosity, led me to discover fantastic methods to learn that are now the core of the results people get using my material.
So even if you’re new to learning Italian with the Comprehensible Input Method and aren't sure where to begin, I'll teach you my best strategies and ideas so you get the most out of every minute of learning.